Avslutade auktioner liknande mitchell

Springbank 21 Years

Springbank 21 Years

Springbank 21 YearsCampbeltownSingle malt, 46% volDistilled and bottled by J. & A. Mitchell & Co Ltd., Springbank Distillery6 bottles in original carton (oc for 6bts) Läs mer...

  • 2013-10-09
  • http://www.stadsauktion.se
  • 19 000 SEK
Springbank 35 Years

Springbank 35 Years

Springbank Millennium EditionA 35 Year Old Campeltown whisky from Springbank, bottled in September 1999 especially for the new millennium. An edition of a total of Läs mer...

  • 2016-11-16
  • http://www.stadsauktion.se
  • 11 000 SEK
Walasse Ting 1 c Life. Kunstmappe i begrænset oplag med original litografier og digte, 1964

Walasse Ting: '1 c Life'. Kunstmappe i begrænset ...

Walasse Ting: 1 c Life (1 cent Life) Kunstmappe med litografier og digte. Tekst Walasse Ting, red. Sam Francis, udgivet af E.W. Kornfeld, Bern, Schwitzerland, Läs mer...

  • 2016-02-11
  • Lauritz
  • 9 600 DKK
Leonard Cornwall Mitchell, cd, New Zealand - Centennial, vintage plakat

Leonard Cornwall Mitchell, cd, 'New Zealand - Cent...

Leonard Cornwall Mitchell (1901-1971). 'New Zealand - Centennial' vintage plakat. Serigrafisk tryk. Sign. i tryk.'L.C. Mitchell'. UR: 101,5 x 64 cm. Fremstår med håndteringsmærker, pletter. Läs mer...

  • 2015-02-24
  • Lauritz - DK, Herning, Engdahlsvej
  • 8 400 DKK
Robert J Mitchell

Robert J Mitchell

Robert J Mitchell, skulptur, brons, på stensockel, under stämplad och numrerad "R. J . Mitchell 2/10", H = 40 Läs mer...

  • 2018-03-06
  • Sikö Auktioner
  • 8 400 SEK
Springbank 30 Years

Springbank 30 Years

Springbank 30 YearsCampbeltownA rare old Springbank distilled probably early 1990's bottling. Single malt, 46% volDistilled and bottled by J. & A. Mitchell & Co Ltd., Läs mer...

  • 2016-06-15
  • http://www.stadsauktion.se
  • 8 000 SEK
Walter Mitchell, Plymouth, standur af mahogni og nød ca. 1750

Walter Mitchell, Plymouth, standur af mahogni og n...

Walter Mitchell, Plymouth, standur af mahogni og nød. Urhus med kraftig profileret top, sideruder, buet låge flankeret af fritstående søjler, selve urkassen fineret i felter. Urplade Läs mer...

  • 2013-06-04
  • Lauritz - DK, Næstved, Gl. Holstedvej
  • 7 600 DKK
Leonard Cornwall Mitchell, cd, New Zealand - The Anglers Paradise, vintage plakat

Leonard Cornwall Mitchell, cd, 'New Zealand - The ...

Leonard Cornwall Mitchell (1901-1971). 'New Zealand - The Angler's Paradise'. Vintage plakat. Serigrafisk tryk. Sign. i tryk.'L.C. Mitchell'. UR: 93,5 x 66 cm. Fremstår med Läs mer...

  • 2015-02-24
  • Lauritz - DK, Herning, Engdahlsvej
  • 7 600 DKK
1974 Longrow  25 Years Old

1974 Longrow 25 Years Old

Longrow 1974 25 Years Old CampbeltownSingle malt, 46 % volDistilled and bottled by J&A Mitchell & Co Ltd., CampbeltownDanish tax label1 bt (original wooden presentation Läs mer...

  • 2015-05-13
  • http://www.stadsauktion.se
  • 7 400 SEK
Showing counties in California for the first time

Showing counties in California for the first time

ATLAS. MITCHELL, (SAMUEL AUGUSTUS). A New Universal Atlas, Containing Maps of the various Empires, Kingdoms, States, and Republics of the World. With a special Map Läs mer...

  • 2013-12-16
  • Stockholms Auktionsverk
  • 7 000 SEK
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