Avslutade auktioner liknande ICELANDIC

The Holum Bible - The first Icelandic bible Biblia Pad Er, Öll Heilög Ritning, vtlögd a Norraenu. Med formalum Doct. Martini Lutheri. 1584.

The Holum Bible - The first Icelandic bible: Bibli...

Biblia Pad Er, Öll Heilög Ritning [...]. 3 parts in one. Holum: Jone Jons 1584. Folio (31 x 20 cm.). Edited and partly translated by Läs mer...

  • 2013-04-16
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 75 000 DKK
Collection of various Icelandic literature. 50 vols. 35 bound, 15 unbound. 17-20th century.

Collection of various Icelandic literature. 50 vol...

Collection of various Icelandic literature. 50 vols. (35 bound, 15 unbound). 17-20th century, incl. [Thorlaksson]: Su gamla Vijsna-Book [...] Holar: Halldor Eiriksson 1748. 2nd edition. Läs mer...

  • 2014-11-25
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 22 000 DKK
Collection of Icelandic Sagas, incl. Islands Landnámabók. Cph 1774. Various bindings. 11

Collection of Icelandic Sagas, incl. Islands Landn...

Olafsson and others (eds.): Islands landnámabók: Hoc est: Liber originum Islandiae. Cph 1774. Bound in later full calf. + Suhm: Hervararsaga ok Heidrekskongs. Hoc est Läs mer...

  • 2014-06-03
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 21 000 DKK
Icelandic bible - Hoolum Biblia thad er, Øll Heilog Ritning, ut løgd a Norrænu. Med Formaalum D. Marth Luth. Prentud ad nya a Hoolum, 1644.

Icelandic bible - Hoolum: Biblia thad er, Øll Hei...

Biblia thad er, Øll Heilog Ritning, ut løgd a Norrænu. Med Formaalum D. Marth Luth. Prentud ad nya a Hoolum, 1644. Folio. Title leaf and Läs mer...

  • 2012-10-02
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 18 500 DKK
Icelandic literature 18th-20th century Collection of 21 vols. on or from Iceland. All vols. bound in various bindings. 21

Icelandic literature 18th-20th century: Collection...

Collection of 21 vols. on or from Iceland. All volumes bound in various bindings, some with wear. The collection incl. Historia Vinlandiæ antiqvæ seu Partis Läs mer...

  • 2013-04-16
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 17 000 DKK
Icelandic bible - Steinsbibelen Steinn Jónsson Biblia Pad er øll Heiløg Ritning [...]. Hoolum 1728.

Icelandic bible - "Steinsbibelen": Steinn Jónsson...

Steinn Jónsson: Biblia Pad er øll Heiløg Ritning: [...] Med kostgiaefneog epter høfud-textunum meir en fyrrum athugus so og med adskilianlegum paralleler auken. Prickt a Läs mer...

  • 2013-02-12
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 14 500 DKK
First editions inscribed by Halldor Laxness Collection of 41 works by Halldor Laxness, mostly in Icelandic, several inscribed incl. Hid Ljósa Man.

First editions inscribed by Halldor Laxness: Colle...

Collection of 41 works by Halldor Laxness, mostly in Icelandic, several inscribed incl. Hid Ljósa Man. Reykjavik 1944. + Hrafnkatla. Reykjavik 1942. + Eldur i Läs mer...

  • 2012-10-02
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 11 000 DKK
First complete edition in the original Icelandic

First complete edition in the original Icelandic

STURLUSSON, SNORRE. (2). Heims kringla eller Snorre Sturlussons nordländske konunga sagor. Illustravit J. Peringskiöld. I-II. Stockholm (Literis Wankiwianis) 1697 - (1700). 232234. Läs mer...

  • 2014-03-09
  • Stockholms Auktionsverk
  • 10 500 SEK
Norway and Iceland Einersen ed. Kongs-Skugg-Sio. Utlögd a Daunsku og Latinu Det Kongelige Speil med Dansk og Latinsk Oversættelse.

Norway and Iceland: Einersen (ed.): Kongs-Skugg-Si...

Halfdan Einersen (ed.): Kongs-Skugg-Sio. Utlögd a Daunsku og Latinu/ Det Kongelige Speil med Dansk og Latinsk Oversættelse. Sorøe 1768. Large 4to. Text in Icelandic and Läs mer...

  • 2014-06-03
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 8 500 DKK
Icelandic bible - Hoolum Biblia, pad er øll heiløg ritning utløgd ad Norraenu [...]. Kiesel 1747. Contemporary binding.

Icelandic bible - Hoolum: Biblia, pad er øll heil...

Biblia, pad er øll heiløg ritning utløgd ad Norraenu; epter peirre annare edition bibliunnar sem finnst prenntud a hoolum i Islande anno 1644. Kiesel 1747. Läs mer...

  • 2012-10-02
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 6 500 DKK
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