348634. FLOROR, 3 vol, bla "Thirty-Eight Plates with explanations..Linnaeus System..." av Thomas Martyn, London 1794.
Handkolorerade planscher. Även "Utkast till en Svensk Flora eller Afhandling om Svenska Växternas..." av Samuel Liljeblad, Uppsala 1816, "Flora Upsaliensis enumerans Plantas circa Upsaliam..." av Georgio Wahlenberg, Uppsala 1820. Två helfranska skinnband resp halvband av klot.
- 2012-10-28 14:39:00
- Bukowskis market
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Slutpris:2 200 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande 348634. FLOROR, 3 vol, bla "Thirty-Eight Plates with explanations..Linnaeus System..." av Thomas Martyn, London 1794.

Martyn Thirty-eight Plates 1794
MARTYN, THOMAS. Thirty-eight Plates, with explanations, intended to illustrate Linnaeus´s System of Vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the Elements of Botany. London Läs mer...
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Bertil Vallien 'Viking Ship' Boda Smide 1960-tal
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Martyn´s Thirty-eight plates... Linnaeus system
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