Parti konstböcker & tidsskrifter, ca 75 titlar (75) Denna vara har satts till omförsäljning under nytt varunummer4044616
Parti konstböcker & tidsskrifter, ca 75 titlar. Partiet består av bl.a följande boktitlar: Barcelona- A city and its architecture; Samtal om Zorn; Vincent van Gogh; Michelangelo; Monet; American Impressionism; The National Gallery of Art of Washington and its paintings; Classical Greece; Great French Paintings, The life and times of Raphael; Magritte; Picasso; Den stora boken om impressionism; Manet; the National Gallery London; Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre; Fresker från Florens; Bonniers stora bok om måleriets historia; Pablo Picasso A Retrospective; Greek Mythology; Matisse; Florence; The life and times of Michelangelo; Rembrant; An introduction to Egyptian Art; An invitation to see; Corot to Braque; Skagenmålarna; Svensk Nutidskonst 1-6; Renoir; Philip von Schantz; The age of baroque; The Tate Gallery; Marc Chagall m.fl.
- 2015-10-16 20:42:00
- Lauritz
Slutpris:300 SEK