Literature on East Asian art, 13 vol.
LITERATURE ON EAST ASIAN ART (13). Lot containing, amoing others: STREEHLNEEK, E. A. Chinese Pictorial Art. Shanghai, 1914 (repaired silk binding), MÜNSTERBERG, OSKAR. Chinesische Kunstgheschichte. I-II. Esslingen, 1910-12 (publishher´s cloth, 2 volumes), SIRÉN, OSVALD. Kinas konsthistoria under tre årtusenden. I-II. Stockholm, 1942-43 (publisher´s half calf, 2 volumes), HERBERTS, KURT. Das Buch der Ostasiatischen Lackkunst. Düsseldorf, 1959 (publisher´s cloth with dust-wrapper), WALEY, ARTHUR. An Introduction to the Study of Chinese Painting. London, 1958 (publisher´s cloth with somewhat worn dust-wrapper). See text!
- 2019-01-06 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:350 SEK
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Marshall Swerman, fotografi fra serien 'Andy Warho...
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- Lauritz - Roskilde, DK
- 2 300 DKK
Marshall Swerman. Signeret og nummeret foto fra se...
Marshall Swerman født 1946. Signeret og nummeret foto fra serien Andy Warhol and Friends. 40 x 50 cm. Signeret og nummeret: M Swerman, 3/10. Fotografens Läs mer...
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Marshall Swerman. Signeret og nummeret foto fra se...
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