Homann map of China 1750
MAP OF CHINA. HOMANN HEIRS - HAAS, M. J. Regni Sinae vel Sinae Propriae Mappa et Descriptio Geographica. Nürnberg 1750. Creased and with folds, yellowed, hole in one folding, dampstaining to margins.
- 2019-09-22 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:1 900 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande Homann map of China 1750

Homann map of Ukraine 1740
MAP OF UKRAINE. HOMANN, J. B. Ukraina quae et Terra Cosaccorum. Nürnberg ca 1740. . Some wear to centrefold. Some browning, repair to platemark on Läs mer...
- 2020-09-20
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 2 400 SEK

Map on China by Bowen 1740
BOWEN, EMANUEL. A New & Accurate Map of China Drawn from Surveys Made by the Jesuit Missionaries, by Order of the Emperor ... London (Harris) Läs mer...
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- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Karta Johann Baptiste Homann
KARTA ÖVER STORBRITANNIEN, Johann Baptiste Homann, handkolorerad, publicerad ca 1720, certifcate of authenticity från The Map House medföljer, ca 49x58 cm. 882633. Läs mer...
- 2021-02-26
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 1 700 SEK

China 1848, 2 vol.
CHINA 1848 (2). WILLIAMS, SAMUEL WELLS. The Middle Kingdom, a Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Liofe, Arts, Religion, &c. of the Chinese Empire Läs mer...
- 2020-04-29
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 400 SEK

Map of China Bonne and Brion de la Tour 2 maps
CHINA (2). BONNE, R. Carte de l´Empire de la Chine, de la Tartarie Chinoise et du Royaume de Coree: avec les Isles du Japon. Paris, Läs mer...
- 2021-05-30
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 300 SEK

Russia Le Rouge map 1744 and one more
MAP OF RUSSIA, SIBERIA, CHINA ETC (2). LE ROUGE, G. L. Etats de Moscovie... Paris 1744. Le Rouge - Centrefold as issued, some tears to Läs mer...
- 2021-05-03
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 1 500 SEK

China 1848, 2 vol.
CHINA 1848 (2). WILLIAMS, SAMUEL WELLS. The Middle Kingdom, a Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Liofe, Arts, Religion, &c. of the Chinese Empire Läs mer...
- 2020-04-01
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 950 SEK

China 1848, 2 vol.
CHINA 1848 (2). WILLIAMS, SAMUEL WELLS. The Middle Kingdom, a Survey of the Geography, Government, Education, Social Liofe, Arts, Religion, &c. of the Chinese Empire Läs mer...
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- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 1 700 SEK

Homann map of Rome c. 1720
ROME. HOMANN, JOHANN BAPTIST (1633-1724). Urbis Romae veteris ac modernae accurata delineato... Nuremberg (J.B.Homann) c. 1720. Partly browned, centrefold with split. Läs mer...
- 2020-04-18
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 3 000 SEK

Homann map of Israel and Palestine
MAP OF ISRAEL AND PALESTINE. HOMANN, J. B., Iudaea seu Palaestina ob sacratissima redemtoris vestigia hodie dicta Terra Sancta... regnis Iuda et Israel... Nürnberg about Läs mer...
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- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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