Floral collar beads 18th Dynasty Armana Period (7)
A small group (7) of the finest floral collar beads from the Amarna Period. These include a lotus petal bead in white faience with a yellow shaded upper part and violet tip (M262), a flower petal bead in bright cobalt blue faience with one of the two suspension beads missing (M172), a floral petal bead in bright yellow faience which has a repaired hairline crack (M1100), a daisy in white faience with added central spot in yellow (M264), a dom-palm leaf in bright green faience with molded details (M261), a bunch of grapes in bright purple faience (M263) and a mandrake bud in yellow faience with added details in purple (M265). Unless otherwise stated, these beads are completely intact including both suspension beads – a condition in which they are rarely found. This type of bead in this quality represents the best faience-work produced during the Amarna Period and similar examples are found even in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Provenance: Mostly a lot from Cumberland Coin Fair 1992.(7) This
- 2016-03-31 17:05:13
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
Slutpris:14 000 DKK