Meretseger cobra and amulet plaque Graeco-Roman (2)
Meretseger Cobra & Amulet Plaque. 1. (M270) A cippus-like stela in white limestone depicting the coiled cobra goddess Meretseger with her meandering body carved in highly raised relief on one side, standing on a plinth. The head and front coil are missing, though a hole on the front part of the plinth suggests that the head was added separately in another material. Traces of red paint on reverse. Broken; head and front coil missing. H 11 cm. Thebes. Tetragon, London, 1992. 2. (Unreg) A stela-shaped plaque in fired Nile silt fabric showing a group of deities and amulets in raised molded relief and apparently arranged in rows. A Bes figure, an aegis and a mummiform figure etc. It would seem that the clay was simply pressed into various amulet molds in order to make an inexpensive set for a mummy. Repaired with several pieces missing and surface showing some wear. A very unusual object. Graeco-Roman. H 17 cm (2) This lot is part of a large private collection of Egyptian antiquities at auc
- 2016-03-29 15:20:00
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
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