SHAKER:SJ.D & S into a shield James Dixon & Sons
- 2019-11-17 00:00:00
- Tomelilla Auktionshall
Slutpris:1 100 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande SHAKER:SJ.D & S into a shield James Dixon & Sons

s´Gravesande´s experimental physics 1747
s´GRAVESANDE´S EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 1747, s´GRAVESANDE, WILLEM JACOB. Mathematical Elements of Natural Philosophy Confirm´d by Experiments: Or, an Introduction to Sir Isaac Newton´s Philosophy. Written in Läs mer...
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Loredano The Ascents of the Soul 1681
LOREDANO, Giovanni Francesco. The Ascents of the Soul: Or, David´s Mount Towards God´s House, Being Paraphrases on the Fifteen Psalms of Degrees... Render´d into English Läs mer...
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Brillat Savarin Très vieil Armagnac Hors d'Age
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Om Karl XI och Karl XII 1717
KARL XII - KARL XI. (Benson, W.), A Letter to Sir J- B-, by Birth a Swede, but Naturaliz d and a M-r of Läs mer...
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Borelli De motu animalium 1710 with plates
ON THE MOVEMENT ON ANIMALS. (BORELLI, G. A. De Motu Animalium. Editio novissima, Ab innumeris mendis & erroribus repurgata). I-II. Two parts in one volume. Läs mer...
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Borelli De motu animalium 1710 with plates
ON THE MOVEMENT ON ANIMALS. (BORELLI, G. A. De Motu Animalium. Editio novissima, Ab innumeris mendis & erroribus repurgata). I-II. Two parts in one volume. Läs mer...
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Böcker, Richard Pulteney, A general view of the w...
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus, by Richard Pulteney, M.D. & F.R.S. London, Printed for T, Payne at the Mews-Gate, and B. White, Läs mer...
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FLEISCHMANN 7368 SJ:s D-lok och 4 vagnar 8170, 817...
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