Banjomandolin Cio
Banjomandolin Cio L=60
- 2020-12-26 20:27:00
- Sikö Auktioner
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:250 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande Banjomandolin Cio

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Banjomandolin Levin No
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Coronelli´s map of Ravenna 1708
CORONELLI´S MAP OF RAVENNA. CORONELLI, VINCENZO MARIA. Territorio di Ravenna, cioè parte meridionale di quell´ arcivescovato descritta, e dedicata dal padre maestro Coronelli... (Venice ca Läs mer...
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Clarence von Rosen Sport
CLARENCE VON ROSEN, 3 plaketter: "V Olympiade ...Equestres 1912, LE PRESIDENT DU CIO", Ch Pillet, brons, 5,5x4 cm, KGL.DANSK AUTOMOBILKLUB, förgyllt silver, Anton Michelsen Köpenhamn, Läs mer...
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Koppartunna sekelskiftet
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Banjomandolin og mandolin
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First work devoted entirely to surgical anatomy
GENGA, BERNARDINO. Anatomia chirurgica cioè istoria anatomica dell´ossa, e muscoli del corpo umano... (second edition). Roma (per Dom-Ant-Ercole) 1686. . 347398. Läs mer...
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Italian literature from the 17th and 18th century:...
Carlo Festini: I Trionfi Della Magnificenza Pontificia Celebrati Per lo Passaggio nelle Città [...]. Rome: Stamperia della Reu. C. Apost. 1656. Large 8co. Very thin Läs mer...
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