Paul McCarthy f. 1945 and Damon McCarthy f. 1973 cd

Paul McCarthy f. 1945 and Damon McCarthy f. 1973 cd

Paul McCarthy f. 1945 and Damon McCarthy f. 1973 "Coppermeal 3, 2005 " Offsettryk. 41x 58 cm. Sign. i bly: Damon McCarthy & Paul McCarthy. Num. 101 / 150. stemplet på bagsiden: Ed. Whitechapel Gallery, London, for udstilling "Lala Land Parody Paradise 2005-2006".

  • 2010-05-24 12:12:00
  • Lauritz - DK, Herlev, Dynamovej

Slutpris:1 250 DKK

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