History, travels 18th century, 4 vol.

History, travels 18th century, 4 vol.

HISTORY, TRAVELS 18TH CENTURY (4). (HÉNAULT, CHARLES-JEAN-FRANCOIS). Nouvel abrégé chronologique de l´histoire de France, contenant les événements de notre histoire, depuis Clovis jusqu´à Louis XVI. les guerres, les batailles, les sièges, &c. nos loix, nos moeurs, nos usages, &c. Sixième édition, revue & corigée. Paris, 1761. Not collated, please, see description!

Slutpris:2 000 SEK

Avslutade auktioner liknande History, travels 18th century, 4 vol.

En samlares bibliotek, del 2. J. H. Gray. China, A History of the Laws, Manners and Customs.. Vol I-II, London 1878.

En samlares bibliotek, del 2. J. H. Gray. China, A...

John H Gray was a 19th-century Anglican priest who was the first Archdeacon of Hong Kong. He served as a chaplain throughout Hong Kong, preaching Läs mer...

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  • Bukowskis
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Sinology, orientalica, 46  vol.

Sinology, orientalica, 46 vol.

SINOLOGY, ORIENTALICA (46). Lot containing chiefly 19th and 20th century books, pamphlets and extracts on asian history, linguistics, travels, arts and culture, the opium trade Läs mer...

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  • Stockholms Auktionsverk
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History of travels, 12 vol.

History of travels, 12 vol.

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African travels and history, 8 vol.

African travels and history, 8 vol.

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American 20th century authors, 9 vol.

American 20th century authors, 9 vol.

AMERICAN 20TH CENTURY AUTHORS (9). Lot containing first editions of LASCH, CHRISTOPHER. The Minimal Self. Psychic Survivalk in Troubled Times. New York, 19843 (publisher´s cloth Läs mer...

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History etc. in fine bindings, 222 vol.

History etc. in fine bindings, 222 vol.

HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY ETC. IN FINE BINDINGS (222). Lot containing history, biography, travels, topography, history of art and architecture etc. Mostly 19th and 20th centuries. See Läs mer...

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  • Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Scandinavian history etc. 17th century, 2 vol.

Scandinavian history etc. 17th century, 2 vol.

SCANDINAVIAN HISTORY 17TH CENTURY (2). (BUREUS ANDREAS & SOTERUS, HENRIK). Svecia, sive de suecorum regis dominiis et opibus. Commentarius politicus. Leiden, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1633. Läs mer...

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Bokbindare och bokbinderi, 27 vol.

Bokbindare och bokbinderi, 27 vol.

BOKBINDARE OCH BOKBINDERI (27). Parti omfattande bland annat: FOGELMARK, STAFFAN. Flemish and Related Panel-Stamped Bindings. Evidence and Principles. New York, 1990, MCDONNELL, JOSEPH & HEALY, Läs mer...

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Swedish history 18th century, 2 vol.

Swedish history 18th century, 2 vol.

SWEDISH HISTORY 18TH CENTURY (2). ROUSSET DE MISSY, JEAN. Recherches sur les alliances et les intérêts entre la France et la Suède. Rélativement aux circonstances Läs mer...

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Researches into the physical History of  Mankind

Researches into the physical History of Mankind

PRICHARD, JAMES COWLES. (5). Reseraches into the physical history of mankind. I-V. London (Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper) 1841, 37, 41, 44, 47. 8:o. 4 frontispiece Läs mer...

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  • http://www.stadsauktion.se
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