Important medical work
CELSUS, A(ULUS) CORN(ELIUS). De medicina libri octo, ex recognitione Joh. Antonidae vander Linden... Editio secunda. Lugduni Batavorum (apud Salomonem Wagenaer) 1665. . See text.
- 2015-09-27 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Slutpris:900 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande Important medical work
Important mathematical work by Lagrange
LAGRANGE, J. L. "Lecons su le calcul des fonctions", published in: "Journal de l'École Polytechnique", publié par Le conseil d'Instruction et Administration de cet établissement. Läs mer...
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Serionne's principal work, against the physiocrats
ECONOMICS (2). (ACCARIAS DE SERIONNE, J.). Les intérêts des nations de l'Europe, dévélopés relativement au commerce. I-II. Leide (chez Elie Luzac) 1766.4:o. (248x192 mm.). (8, Läs mer...
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Important work on embryology
EMBRYOLOGY. (2). HALLER, (ALBRECHT VON). La génération, ou exposition des phénomens relatifs a cette fonction naturelle; de leur méchanisme, de leurs causes respectives, & des Läs mer...
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- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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Important pathological and pharmaceutical work
LIEUTAUD, JOS(EPH). (2). Synopsis universae praxeos medicae, in binas partes divisa,.. Editio postrema... I-II. Parisiis (apud P. Fr. Didot, juniorem) 1774.4:o (254x191 mm.). (5), vi-xxiv, Läs mer...
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Schive Norges mynter i middelaldern
NORWEGIAN COINS. SCHIVE, CLAUDIUS JACOB. Norges mynter i middelalderen samlede og beskrevne af C. I. Schive. Med indledning af C. A. Holmboe. Christiania (Oslo), H. Läs mer...
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Important on medical knowledge in the Roman world.
CELSUS (CELSE), AUR. CORN. De medicina libri octo cum notis integris Joannis Caesaii... Joannis Baptistae Morgagni. Ac locis papallelis. Cura & studio Th. J. ab Läs mer...
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Svärd, Japan, Kanenaga 兼永 , 1555 (弘治 Koji...
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OS 1912, Sportauktion
OLYMPISKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 1912, original poster, design Olle Hjortzberg, "JOGOS OLYMPICOS STOCKHOLMO 1912 29 de JUNHO-22 de JULHO" (portugisiska), A BÖRTZELLS TR.AB STOCKHOLM, ca 102x73 Läs mer...
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Postcards written by Albert Schweitzer
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Grew's Anatomie des plantes... 1685
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