Richly illustrated German bible 1730
RICHLY ILLUSTRATED BIBLE. (2). Biblia, Das ist: Die Gantze Heilige Schrift Alten und Neuen Testaments, nach der Ubersetzung und mit den Vorreden und randglossen D. Martin Luthers, mit neuen Vorreden, Summarien, weitläuffigen Parallellen, Anmerckungen und geistlichen Anwendungen, auch Gebeten auf jedes Capitel, wobey zugleich Nöthige Register und eine Harmonie des Neuen Testaments beygefüget sind. Ausgefertiget unter der Aufsicht und Direction Christoph Matthäi Pfaffen... (and Johann Christian Klemmen for the New Testament). Tübingen (J. G.- C. G. Cotta) 1730. Folio (418x253 mm.). (24), (1)-1092 pp., ll. 1093-1100, pp. 1101 (8), (1)-582 (pp. 569-578 omitted at printing); 1-80, (76) pp. 2 engraved extra titles, 1 title printed in red and black, 2 folding engraved maps, 65 engraved plates (all, 12 dampstained in outer margin [in Old Testament]) after D. G. Nesenthaler, some engraved vignettes.Contemporary brown full calf, worn, faded richly gilt spines in seven compartments, faded blue
- 2015-09-27 11:27:00
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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Avslutade auktioner liknande Richly illustrated German bible 1730

Christian IV's bible: Christian IV's bible. Printe...
Biblia Det er Den gantske Hellige Scrifft, 1633 paa Danske igien offuerseet oc Prentet effter vor allernaadigste Herris oc Kongis K. Christian IV. Befaling. [...]. Läs mer...
- 2015-05-05
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 16 500 DKK

16th century bible from France: Biblia Sacra. Lyon...
Biblia Sacra. Lyon: Jean de Tournes 1556. Folio. Richly illustrated with woodcuts. Some browning and dampstaining. Bound in cont. full vellum, worn and with defects Läs mer...
- 2013-06-04
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 4 200 DKK
![Christian IVs bible Biblia [...]. Copenhagen Printed by Martzan and Sartor 1633. Folio. Incomplete.](https://bilder.xn--vadrdenvrd-s5af.se/1675469-christian-ivs-bible-biblia-_300.jpg)
Christian IV's bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Pr...
Christian IV's bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Martzan and Sartor 1633. Folio. Incomplete. With only 1 engraved title (Propheterne paa Danske). Index mounted at Läs mer...
- 2014-04-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 4 200 DKK
![King Christian IVs Bible with royal provenance Biblia [...]. Copenhagen 1633. With the very rare half title.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1340/br_1264407_300x300.jpg)
King Christian IV's Bible with royal provenance: B...
Christian IV's bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Martzan and Sartor 1633. Folio. With the very rare half title (restored) and 3 engraved titles and Läs mer...
- 2013-10-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 15 500 DKK

Collection of 46 various vols. of literature from ...
Collection of 46 various vols. of literature from the 17th to the 20th century. All in nice bindings. In English, German and French (+ a Läs mer...
- 2015-02-03
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 6 500 DKK
Fotoböcker, bl.a. om Kodak, Photographik
PHOTO BOOKS, mostly German. Amongst others: Photographik. Herausgegeben von der Kodak Aktiengesällscahft. Editor Hans A. Kluge. 1934:2-5, 1936:6-9, 1936:10-11, 1937:15, 1938:18, 21. Berlin 1934-38.4:o (300x240). Läs mer...
- 2012-11-10
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
- 750 SEK
![First folio Bible of Denmark Biblia [...] Cph printed by Ludwig Dietz 1550. Folio. Illust. by Altdorffer. Incomplete.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1316/br_1141753_300x300.jpg)
First folio Bible of Denmark: Biblia [...] Cph: pr...
Biblia [...] Cph: printed by Ludwig Dietz 1550. Folio. Richly illustrated with woodcuts by Erhard Altdorffer. Incomplete. Lacking title page and several leaves. Several leaves Läs mer...
- 2013-04-16
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 10 000 DKK

Major work of German expressionism: Kandinsky and ...
Kandinsky and Franz Marc: Der Blaue Reiter. Munich: R. Piper & Co 1914. 2nd ed. Richly illustrated and with 4 original tipped-in colour plates. Bound Läs mer...
- 2013-04-16
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 9 500 DKK
Das Plakat 1917
Das Plakat. Mitteilungen des Verreins der Plakatfreunde E. V. Jahrgang 8. 1917 (not collated). Editor Hans Sachs. Berlin (Arthur Collignon Verlag) 1917. 4:o. Richly illustrated Läs mer...
- 2012-12-17
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
- 1 600 SEK

Major work of German expressionism: Kandinsky and ...
Kandinsky and Franz Marc: Der Blaue Reiter. Munich: R. Piper & Co 1914. 2nd ed. Richly illustrated and with 4 original tipped-in colour plates. Bound Läs mer...
- 2012-11-27
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 8 500 DKK