Daisy Wallpaper boxes - Til fordel for Dansk Flygtningehjælp
Daisy Wallpaper boxes ? doneret af Andrea Larsson til fordel for Dansk Flygtningehjælp BESKYT BØRN PÅ FLUGT The Daisy wallpaper boxes is a handmade box collection covered with wallpaper designed by Andrea Larsson Interior. All materials are carefully selected for quality and design. The mix of colours and patterns in the boxes are designed to give the simple look of the typical scandinavian interior style a shot of colour. The boxes are practical for storage but also made as the just one accessory, that will change your style instantly. The boxes are handmade in India with different colours of silk ribbons or tassels. 1 æske (MEGA) a 30x30x30, 1 æske (BIG) a 22x22x22, 1 æske (MEDIUM) a 20,5x20,5x12 1 æske (SMALL) a 18x18x9 Vejl. udsalgspris DKK 1.550. Bemærk: I henhold til forbrugeraftalelovens § 17, stk. 2, nr. 1 er der ikke fortrydelsesret på rekreative fritidsaktiviteter, som fx kulturarrangementer, rejser eller oplevelser, hvis det fremgår af auktionen, hvi
- 2014-06-23 14:25:15
- Lauritz - DK, Herlev, Dynamovej
Slutpris:575 DKK