Girolamo Savonorola Le prediche 1541
SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO. Le prediche dil reverendo frate Hieronimo Sauonarola sopra li salmi & molte altre notabilissime materie... Venetiis (Bernadino de Bindoni milanesi) 1539. + Prediche di frate Giero-nimo da Ferrara sopra Ezechiel. Venetia (per Zuan' Antonio Volpino da Castel Giuffredo) 1541. Two works in one volume.8vo. (155x97 mm.) (7, 1 blank), 133 (i.e. 222), (2); (1 blank), 331 (i.e. 333), (1, 2 blanks) ll. Irregular pagination. Title with woodcut portrait of the author (mounted on later paper, small damage with paper loss in inner margin, spotted). With woodcut letters.Later red cloth, partly worn, spine with raised bands, manuscript title, red edges. First endpaper renewed. First sheet partly loose, some minor dampstaining and some spotting, mostly to margins. Two works in one volume.
- 2014-05-26 13:11:00
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