An encyclopedic guide to the European countries
FROELICH, DAVID. Bibliothecae sive cynosurae peregrinantium, hoc est viatorii liber... exhibens geographiam compendiosam peregrinantium usui accomodatam: in qua potissimum Europae regiones nobiliores & aditu faciliores describuntur... I-IV. Ulmae (impensis Wolfgangi Endteri, exscripsit literis Balthasar Kühne) 1643-44.12:o. (10), 1-486, (4 blank); (6), 1-126, (4 blank); (8), 1-224, (2 blank); (6), 1-91, (3 blank) pp. 5 folding printed tables (tears in the foldings), 2 engraved folding plates, 4 engraved plates, music. Contemporary vellum, slightly worn, blank spine. Title and first leaf to vol. I with wormholes. Minor foxing. Old signature on title to vol. I. Armorial bookplate with the initials OGHZS.
- 2014-05-26 13:09:00
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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Slutpris:1 800 SEK
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