Charles Dickens Nicholas Nickleby´s lefnad 1842
BÖCKER, 5 vol, Charles Dickens, "Nicholas Nickleby`s lefnad och äfventyr", del 1-III, "Mäster Humpherys klocka", del I-II, Stockholm, L. J. Hjerta, 1842, första svenska upplagan. Lite nötta pärmhörn, annars gott skick.
- 2014-12-25 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Avslutade auktioner liknande Charles Dickens Nicholas Nickleby´s lefnad 1842

Dikens´s Nicholas Nickleby 1839
DICKENS. FIRST BOOK EDITION. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. London (Chapman and Hall) 1839. . See text. Läs mer...
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Dickens Nicholas Nickleby in the original parts
DICKENS. FIRST EDITION IN THE ORIGINAL PARTS. (DICKENS, CHARLES), "Boz". The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. London (Chapman and Hall) 1838-39. [i.e., April Läs mer...
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Dickens Nicholas Nickleby 1839
DICKENS. FIRST BOOK EDITION. DICKENS, CHARLES. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. London (Chapman and Hall) 1839. . See text. Läs mer...
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Charles Dickens och Fjodor Dostojevskij, 3+5 böck...
Pickwick klubben, Nicholas Nickleby, Oliver Twist och Bröderna Kamarsov , Idioten, Albert Bonniers fölag Stockholm (placering hylla 4:5) Läs mer...
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Charles Dickens: The Life and Adventures of Nichol...
Charles Dickens: The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. 2 vols. London 1839. 1st ed. Illust. with frontispiece portrait and 39 illustrations by phiz. Bound Läs mer...
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Charles Dickens: The Life and Adventures of Nichol...
Charles Dickens: The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. London 1839. 1st ed. Illust. with frontispiece and 39 illustrations by phiz. Lacking errata leaf. Plates Läs mer...
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Böcker, Charles Dickens, Master Humphrey´s clock del 1,2 & 3 tryckt 1846, Oliver Twist, tryckt 1843, The Pickwick Club, del 1 & 2, tryckta 1842, Läs mer...
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Dickens´ s
DICKENS FIRST BOOK EDITION. DICKENS, CHARLES. (3). Master Humphrey´s Clock. I-III. London (Chapman and Hall) 1840-41. See text. Läs mer...
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Dickens Sketches by Boz.1839
DICKENS´S SKETCHES BY BOZ 1839. (DICKENS, CHARLES). Sketches by Boz. Illustrative of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People.With Forty Illustrations by George Cruikshank. New Edition, Complete. Läs mer...
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Dickens´s Sketches by Boz 1836-37
(3). (DICKENS, CHARLES), "Boz"., Sketches by "Boz". I-II. London (J. Macrone) 1836. . See text. Läs mer...
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