Rare plate of Osage indians by Boilly
PLATE OF OSAGE INDIANS. DELPECH, F. S. - BOILLY, L. Osages Peuplade Sauvage de L´Amerique septentrionale, dans l´etat de Missouri. Arrives a Paria le 13 Aout 1827. No. 89. (Paris) Lith. de Delpech, 1827. . Slightly soiled, some slight wearing to right margin, minor tear to lower margin, some slight soiling to corners and minor spotting to left corner.
- 2015-01-10 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:21 000 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande Rare plate of Osage indians by Boilly
Rare work on Swedish military uniforms early 1800
SWEDISH MILITARY UNIFORMS. Charackteristische Darstellung der vorzüglichsten europäischen Militairs. Herausgeben von der K. K. privil. Academischen Kunsthandlung in Augsburg. Only part 15 regarding Sweden. No Läs mer...
- 2016-10-13
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
- 3 000 SEK

Danish hymns: H.A.Brorson: Troens rare Klenodie. C...
H.A.Brorson: Troens rare Klenodie. Cph 1752. Later ed. 12mo. With engraved portrait. With the book plate of Einar Christiansen. Bound in cont. full morocco with Läs mer...
- 2015-02-03
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 10 500 DKK

England. 1841. 2 d. blue. Plate 3. Good to large m...
England. 1841. 2 d. blue. Plate 3. Good to large margins, portion of adjoining stamp at right side, cancelled by distinctive BLUE MC. Rare cancelation. Läs mer...
- 2014-04-29
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 5 600 DKK
![Religious habits and manners of the native Indians - Belnos The Sundhya or the daily Prayers of the Brahmins [...]. 1851.](https://bilder.xn--vadrdenvrd-s5af.se/1652698-religious-habits-and-manners-of_300.jpg)
Religious habits and manners of the native Indians...
Mrs.S.C. Belnos: The Sundhya or the daily Prayers of the Brahmins, illustrated in a series of original drawings from nature, demonstrating their attitudes [...]. London: Läs mer...
- 2014-09-02
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 10 500 DKK
![King Christian IVs Bible with royal provenance Biblia [...]. Copenhagen 1633. With the very rare half title.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1340/br_1264407_300x300.jpg)
King Christian IV's Bible with royal provenance: B...
Christian IV's bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Martzan and Sartor 1633. Folio. With the very rare half title (restored) and 3 engraved titles and Läs mer...
- 2013-10-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 15 500 DKK

Indians of North America: Catlin: Nord-Amerikas In...
G. Catlin: Nord-Amerikas Indianer. Stockholm: P.G. Berg 1848. 4to. Illust. with hand-coloured lithographic frontispiece and 22 hand coloured plates. Occasional foxing and browning throughout. One Läs mer...
- 2014-04-01
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 2 600 DKK
Rare 17th century print: J. Wieland: Samling udaf ...
Joachim Wieland: Samling udaf smukke og udvalde Danske Vers og Miscellanea Nationen til Ære [...]. Vol. 1-XIV. Cph 1725-26. 8vo. With the book plate of Läs mer...
- 2014-01-28
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 13 000 DKK
"One of the most celebrated novels of the 19th cen...
Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist. 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley 1838. First edition, first issue. With 24 plates by George Cruikshank, including the rare "Fireside" plate. Läs mer...
- 2014-01-28
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 11 000 DKK

Rare work on Oology: A.A. van Pelt Lechner: Oologi...
A.A. van Pelt Lechner: Oologia Neerlandica, Eggs of Birds Breeding in the Netherlands. 2 vols. 4to. The Hague 1910-13. Text in English. With 191 plates Läs mer...
- 2013-06-04
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 8 500 DKK

Fire of Cph - in colour: G.L. Lahde: Branden i KiÃ...
G.L. Lahde: Branden i Kiøbenhavn d: 5. 6. og 7, Iuny 1795. [Cph, no date]. Small 4to. Complete with 6 engraved and hand coloured plates, Läs mer...
- 2012-11-27
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 10 500 DKK