Browns travels in Europe
BROWN, EDWARD. A Brief Account of some Travels in divers Parts of Europe, viz. Hungaria, Servie, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli. Through a great part of Germany, and the Low-Countries. Through Marca Trevisana, and Lombardy on both sides the Po. With some Observations on the Gold, Silver, Copper, Quick-silver Mines, and the Baths and Mineral Waters, in those Parts. As also, the Description of many Antiquities, Habits, Fortifications and Remarkable Places. The Second Edition with many Additions. London (printed for Benj. Tooke) 1687.4:o (318X193 mm.). (4), 1-222, (4), (2, Catalogue of some Books) pp. 16 partly folding engraved plates (all, minor foxing, one with some tears and creasing) and other engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary brown full calf, very worn, damages to covers, cracks in the joints, damaged spine in five compartments. Minor foxing. Blue name stamp in russian in lower margin of title, signature on first endpaper.
- 2015-02-04 16:04:00
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Slutpris:2 000 SEK
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