Rysk propagandakarta över Europa ca 1920

Rysk propagandakarta över Europa ca 1920?

RYSK PROPAGANDAKARTA ÖVER EUROPA. ALEXEJEVA, I P. "Karta över det fiktiva Europa". Moskva, efter 1918 (?). Litograferad karta med text i vänster marginal.Ovanlig.Mycket ungefärlig översättning av textdelen till vänster till engelska: Map of Europe. "Future Europe" or (Europe, some had not thought to see Wilhelm (Tzar of Europe).Russia - Russian Empire fights for truth, justice, peace and order to the world. Russia don't need alien goods, foreign lands, it will take for itself just what she has owned from end of the time - black earth Russia with Lvov and Peremishl, part of Bukovina with Chernovice. East Prussia with Koenigsberg, to the Vistula, land which is slaked at times with Russian blood, again become the Russia. Danzig and Thorn must become the Russian fortresses. All the provinces of Poland will go under the scepter of the Russian Empire, what had hitherto been divided between Germany and Austria, Poland will be free self.England - all the English colonies unanimously recogni

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