Highlyt important work on venereal diseases
VENEREAL DISEASES. (2). ASTRUC, JOANNES. De morbis venereis libri novem... Editio altera, auctior & emendatior, in quâ addite sunt dua dissertationes nove. I-II. Lutetiae Parisiorum (apud Guillelmum Cavelier) 1740. 4:o (245x190 mm.). (4), (i)-xxxvi, (1)-536, (DXXXVII)-DCVIII; (5), 538-1196 pp. 2 titles printed in red and black. .Contemporary brown mottled and polished calf, somewhat worn, slightly faded richlu gilt spines in six compartments, speckled edges. Minor foxing. 2 volumes. In thge first volume after pp. xxxiv bound in pp. (537)-538 in a variant; nad also 2 pp. Approbatio and Privilege du roy. This edition not in Waller
- 2015-03-29 20:51:00
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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Avslutade auktioner liknande Highlyt important work on venereal diseases

Highlyt important work on venereal diseases
VENEREAL DISEASES. (2). ASTRUC, JOANNES. De morbis venereis libri novem... Editio altera, auctior & emendatior, in quâ addite sunt dua dissertationes nove. I-II. Lutetiae Parisiorum Läs mer...
- 2015-04-27
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- 650 SEK
Important mathematical work by Lagrange
LAGRANGE, J. L. "Lecons su le calcul des fonctions", published in: "Journal de l'École Polytechnique", publié par Le conseil d'Instruction et Administration de cet établissement. Läs mer...
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Important work on embryology
EMBRYOLOGY. (2). HALLER, (ALBRECHT VON). La génération, ou exposition des phénomens relatifs a cette fonction naturelle; de leur méchanisme, de leurs causes respectives, & des Läs mer...
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Schive Norges mynter i middelaldern
NORWEGIAN COINS. SCHIVE, CLAUDIUS JACOB. Norges mynter i middelalderen samlede og beskrevne af C. I. Schive. Med indledning af C. A. Holmboe. Christiania (Oslo), H. Läs mer...
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Lowndes on silver coins 1695
ECONOMICS - NUMISMATIK. LOWNDES, William (1652-1724). A Report containing an Essay for the Amendment of the Silver Coins. London (printed by Charles Bill, and the Läs mer...
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Sprengel's Historia rei herbariae 1807-1808
BOTANY. SPRENGEL, KURT. Historia rei herbariae. I-II. Amsteldami (sumtibus Tabernae Librariae et Artium) 1807-08. 8:o. (5), VI-XV, (1 blank), (3), 4-534; (5), VI-XVII, (1), (3), Läs mer...
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Important obstetrics work
OBSTETRICS. PORTAL, PAUL, La pratique des accouchemens soutenu d'un grand nombre des observations,... Paris (De l'imprimerie de Gabriel Martin, et se vend chez l'auteur...) 1785. Läs mer...
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- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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OS 1912, Sportauktion
OLYMPISKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 1912, original poster, design Olle Hjortzberg, "JOGOS OLYMPICOS STOCKHOLMO 1912 29 de JUNHO-22 de JULHO" (portugisiska), A BÖRTZELLS TR.AB STOCKHOLM, ca 102x73 Läs mer...
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Important pathological and pharmaceutical work
LIEUTAUD, JOS(EPH). (2). Synopsis universae praxeos medicae, in binas partes divisa,.. Editio postrema... I-II. Parisiis (apud P. Fr. Didot, juniorem) 1774.4:o (254x191 mm.). (5), vi-xxiv, Läs mer...
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Important physiocratic work London 1767
ECONOMICS (2). (LE MERCIER DE LA RIVIERE, P. P. F. J. H.). L'ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiques. I-II. Londres (chez Jean Nourse, & Läs mer...
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