Important on medical knowledge in the Roman world.
CELSUS (CELSE), AUR. CORN. De medicina libri octo cum notis integris Joannis Caesaii... Joannis Baptistae Morgagni. Ac locis papallelis. Cura & studio Th. J. ab Almeloveen... Accedunt J. Rhodii vita C. Celsi, Variae lectiones ex tribus antiquis editionibus, itemque loci aliquot Hippocratis et celsi ab Henrico Stephano... Rotterodami (apud Joh. Danielem Beman) 1750. 296761.
- 2015-03-29 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Slutpris:1 200 SEK
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