Gowan´s Nature & Art Books in bindings by Hedberg
(15). Gowan´s Nature Books. I-24. + Gowan´s Art Books. 1-36. Glasgow (Gowans & Gray) - London (Brimley, Johnson & Ince) 1905-1910. . One volume with cracks in lower joint. Some leaves browned by the wrappers, wrappers partly somewhat worn, slightly trimmed by the binder.
- 2015-04-04 00:00:00
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:2 600 SEK
Avslutade auktioner liknande Gowan´s Nature & Art Books in bindings by Hedberg
Bindings by Hedberg
(15). Gowan's Nature Books. I-24. + Gowan's Art Books. 1-36. Glasgow (Gowans & Gray) - London (Brimley, Johnsin & Ince) 1905-1910. 8:o. Plates. Original wrappersbound Läs mer...
- 2015-02-26
- http://www.stadsauktion.se
- 2 200 SEK

Books on Japanese swords, 20 vol.
BOOKS ON JAPANESE SWORDS (20). Lot containing literature on Japanese swords, sword-making, sword-smiths and decorations. Monographs, auction- and exhibition catalogues etc. Publications in Japanese, English Läs mer...
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Shogun and Samurai etc., 16 vol.
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Böcker om blommor och djur 20 vol.
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- Lauritz - Aalborg
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L´étude académique
NUDES. L´étude académique. Recueil de documents humains. Illustré par la photographie d´après nature et comprenant 550 etudes d´hommes de femmes... Vol. II. Paris, Librairie d´art Läs mer...
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- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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17th century handbook in Veterinary medicine.
17TH CENTURY HANDBOOK IN VETERINARY MEDICINE. MARKHAM, GERVASE. Markham´s Master-piece: Containing All Knowledge belonging to the Smith, Farrier, or Horse-Leach, touching the Curing all Diseases Läs mer...
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- Stockholms Auktionsverk
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Selfile Systemer, 'Miniature home office', sammenk...
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Francesc de A. Gali Fabra. cd. Spain Every Type Of...
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