Hirschfeld, G., Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum,  4 bind, ukomplet SNG von Aulock hæfte 6, 7, 8, 10 SNG Fitzwilliam, vol. IV, part I. 9

Hirschfeld, G., "Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum", 4 bind, ukomplet; SNG von Aulock hæfte 6, 7, 8, 10; SNG Fitzwilliam, vol. IV, part I. (9)

Hirschfeld, Gustav, "The Collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum" 1883-1916, part II, III, IV del I og del II, 4 bind, ukomplet; SNG von Aulock, hæfte 6, 7, 8, 10; SNG Fitzwilliam, vol. IV, part I. (9)

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Avslutade auktioner liknande Hirschfeld, G., "Ancient Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum", 4 bind, ukomplet; SNG von Aulock hæfte 6, 7, 8, 10; SNG Fitzwilliam, vol. IV, part I. (9)