Acorn-binding Fausti episcopi de gratia dei, et humanae mentis libero arbitrio [...]. Basel 1528. Probably bound by Jean Norins.

"Acorn-binding": Fausti episcopi de gratia dei, et humanae mentis libero arbitrio [...]. Basel 1528. Probably bound by Jean Norins.

Faustus/Erasmus of Rotterdam (ed. ): Fausti episcopi de gratia dei, et humanae mentis libero arbitrio [...]. Basel: Johannes Fabrus Juliasensum 1528. 8vo. Bound with D. Algeri quond am ex scholastico [...] Cologne 1535. 8vo. Lacking 5 preliminary leaves. Bound in cont. blindtooled calf, stamped with acorns. The binding is restored. Housed in box.

Slutpris:11 000 DKK

Inga auktioner liknande ""Acorn-binding": Fausti episcopi de gratia dei, et humanae mentis libero arbitrio [...]. Basel 1528. Probably bound by Jean Norins." hittades.