Inscribed by Niels Bohr: Das Quantenpostulat und die neuere Entwicklung der Atomistik. Berlin: Julius Springer 1928. 1st ed.
Niels Bohr: Das Quantenpostulat und die neuere Entwicklung der Atomistik. Berlin: Julius Springer 1928. 1st ed. Folio. 13 pages. In: Sonderdruck aus die Naturwissenschaften. 16. Jahrg., Heft 15. Inscribed by Niels Bohr in Danish to prof. Einar Biilmann. A little browning to edges, upper edge frayed and with minor tear. Annotated #15 in blue crayon.
- 2013-11-10 13:00:00
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
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Slutpris:10 500 DKK
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Books about clocks and watchmaking – 4 vols.
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Inscribed by Niels Bohr: Determination of the Surf...
Niels Bohr: Determination of the Surface-Tension of Water by the Method of Jet Vibration. [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol. Läs mer...
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Early paper inscribed by Niels Bohr: On the Determ...
Niels Bohr: On the Determination of the Tension of a recently formed Water-Surface. Reprinted from the Proceedings of The Royal Society, A. Vol. 84, 1910. Läs mer...
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Important presentation copy by Niels Bohr: Studier...
Niels Bohr: Studier over Metallernes Elektrontheori. 1911. Inscribed by Bohr on front wrapper. Inner spine weak. In orig. wrappers. Spine with tears. Back wrapper with Läs mer...
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- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
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![Inscribed by Bohr On the Quantum Theory of Radiation and the Structure [...]. On the Decrease of Velocity of Swiftly Moving Electrified Particles [...]. 2](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1345/br_1326170_300x300.jpg)
Inscribed by Bohr: On the Quantum Theory of Radiat...
Niels Bohr: On the Quantum Theory of Radiation and the Structure of the Atom. From the Philosophical Magazine, vol. xxx, September 1915. pp. (393)-415. Orig. Läs mer...
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- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 4 000 DKK

Niels Bohr. 1913-2013: On the Constitution of Atom...
Niels Bohr: On the Constitution of Atoms and Molecules. 3 parts (all). 1913. 8vo. From the Philosophical Magazine for July 1913. Pp. 1-25. Cont. orange Läs mer...
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- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 85 000 DKK

Marie Curie - Niels Bohr - Martin Knudsen: Autogra...
Autograph letter card and typewritten letter signed by Marie Curie for the Danish professor in physics Martin Knudsen. Dated 23 December 1921 and October 1926. Läs mer...
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- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
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Bohr and Kalckar: On the transmutation of the atom...
Niels Bohr and Kalckar: On the transmutation of the atomic nuclei by impact of material particles. Cph 1937. (Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Mathematisk-fysiske Meddelelser. Läs mer...
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Inscribed by Rilke and Bjørnvig: Rainer Maria Ril...
Rainer Maria Rilke: Das Buch der Bilder, Zweite sehr vermehrte Ausgabe. Berlin [1907]. 2nd ed. Inscribed by Rilke, Edith Rode, Paul la Cour, Mogens Knudsen Läs mer...
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Important historical inscriptions from 16th centur...
Arild Huitfeldt: Historiske beskriffuelse: om hues sig haffuer tildragit under kong Christiern den Anden. Cph: Aff Matz Vingaard 1596. 4to. Inscribed on flyleaf by Arild Läs mer...
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