Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867 - 886 AD, Solidus, Constantinople, c. 870-871 AD, DOC 2, S 1704
Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867 - 886 AD, Solidus, Constantinople, c. 870-871 AD, DOC 2, S 1704, 4.40 g
- 2014-05-13 15:56:00
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
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Avslutade auktioner liknande Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867 - 886 AD, Solidus, Constantinople, c. 870-871 AD, DOC 2, S 1704

Basil I, the Macedonian with Constantine, 867 - 88...
Basil I, the Macedonian with Constantine, 867 - 886 AD, Solidus, Constantinople, c. 870 - 871 AD, DOC 2c, S 1704, 4.44 g, scratch in Läs mer...
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THE MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Philip II. (359-336 B.C.). AE 18. Head of Apollo right, hair bound with taenia)(Naked youth on horse pacing right; FILIPPOY above. SG2 Läs mer...
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Clippers, 3 vol.
CLIPPERS, (3). LUBBOCK, BASIL. The China Clippers. With Illustrations and Plans. Glagowm Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1929. See text. Läs mer...
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Basil I, the Macedonian, 867 - 886 AD, DOC 7, S 17...
Basil I, the Macedonian, 867 - 886 AD, DOC 7, S 1708, 2.86 g - attractive toning Läs mer...
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Basil Fabri's famous Thesaurus 1735
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Gibbon The History of the...Roman Empire 1789 14 v
(14). GIBBON, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: A New Edition. Basil (Basel) J. J. Tourneisen, 1789. Worn and Läs mer...
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Lubbock's Sail. The Romance of the Clipper Ships
LUBBOCK, BASIL. (3). Saol. The Romance of the Clipper Ships. New York 1972.4:o. Coloured plates by J. Spurling. Original blue cloth, slightly worn. Worn decorated Läs mer...
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Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III, the Great, 336 ...
Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III, the Great, 336 - 323 BC, Au-Stater, Teos, c. 323 - 319 BC, Price 2272, 8.63 g, scarce variation with seated Läs mer...
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Nicholas I, 1825 - 1855, Rouble 1845 KB (Constanti...
Nicholas I, 1825 - 1855, Rouble 1845 KB (Constantine Butenev, mintmaster in St. Petersburg, 1844 - 1846), Dav. 283, Uszd. 1630, Bitkin 206 (R1), slabbed Läs mer...
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