England. 1840. 2 d. blue. Good to large margins, cancelled by dark GREY BLUE MC. Rare cancelation. Minimal thin. SG: £ 10000. Certificate BPA.
England. 1840. 2 d. blue. Good to large margins, cancelled by dark GREY BLUE MC. Rare cancelation. Minimal thin. SG: £ 10000. Certificate BPA.
- 2014-04-29 15:12:00
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:2 200 DKK
Avslutade auktioner liknande England. 1840. 2 d. blue. Good to large margins, cancelled by dark GREY BLUE MC. Rare cancelation. Minimal thin. SG: £ 10000. Certificate BPA.

Uppläggningsfat & Terrin England 1900-tal
Uppläggningsfat tillverkad av porslin med blå dekor & förgyllning. Märkt: Royal Semi Porcelain, Wedgwood & Co, England "Koma" Längd: 42 cm Terrin med lock tillverkad Läs mer...
- 2019-02-01
- Norrlands Auktionsverk
- 600 SEK

England. 1841. 2 d. blue. Plate 3. Good to large m...
England. 1841. 2 d. blue. Plate 3. Good to large margins, portion of adjoining stamp at right side, cancelled by distinctive BLUE MC. Rare cancelation. Läs mer...
- 2014-04-29
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 5 600 DKK

Royal Copenhagen 'Musselmalet' Servis 64-delar 190...
Halvblond, Kunglig dansk, Handmålad dekor i underglasyrblått. Märkta: Royal Copenhagen Denmark. Samtliga delar är första sortering / Förstasortering. Bestående av: *16 Tallrikar, Diametermått: 25,5 cm Läs mer...
- 2018-10-26
- Norrlands Auktionsverk
- 27 000 SEK

An inscribed ushebti in bright blue faience 21-22t...
An Inscribed Ushebti in Bright Blue Faience. A mummiform ushebti in bright blue faience with molded details to the face, wig, arms and hoes. Black Läs mer...
- 2016-03-29
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 2 200 DKK

England. 1840. 2 d. Victoria, deep full blue. "R-A...
England. 1840. 2 d. Victoria, deep full blue. "R-A". Very fine used opy with large margins all four margins. SG: £ 1100 Läs mer...
- 2014-04-29
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 1 100 DKK

Large bowl from the Middle Kingdom
Large Bowl from the Middle Kingdom. A large bowl of simple hemispherical shape with a rounded base made of fired Nile silt fabric with a Läs mer...
- 2016-03-29
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 850 DKK

A large early dynsatic adze
A Large Early Dynastic Adze (M1252). A very fine and large adze in light beige flint. Almost perfectly symmetrical and in very good condition. Intact, Läs mer...
- 2016-03-29
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 1 600 DKK

Faience Tile, Old Kingdom 3 rd Dynasty
Green Faience Tile from Djoser’s Pyramid at Saqqara (M). Old Kingdom, 3rd Dynasty, reign of Djoser. Length: 60 mm, Width: 39 mm, Thickness: 11 mm. Läs mer...
- 2016-03-31
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 2 200 DKK

Ushabtis TIP-Late period (5)
Ushebtis from Two Tomb Groups. 1. Two mummiform ushebtis in light green matt faience with sculpted details. The features are stylized with a long beard Läs mer...
- 2016-03-30
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 2 600 DKK

A faience ushebti from the 21st dynasty
A Faience Ushebti from the 21st Dynasty. A mummiform ushebti in bright blue-glazed faience with molded details to the front; details also in black paint Läs mer...
- 2016-03-30
- Lauritz - DK, Roskilde, Store Hedevej
- 975 DKK