Early woodcuts by Asger Jorn Asger Isen [pseud. for Asger Jorn] Julens Salmer. 16 woodcuts. In Frem [...]. 1933-34.

Early woodcuts by Asger Jorn: Asger Isen [pseud. for Asger Jorn]: Julens Salmer. 16 woodcuts. In Frem [...]. 1933-34.

Asger Isen [pseud. for Asger Jorn]: Julens Salmer. 16 woodcuts. In: Broby Johansen and Einar Nielsen: Frem, Marxistisk Maanedshæfte. 2nd vol., num. 1 -11 in one vol. Cph 1933-34. In wrapper. Worn. Spine defective.

Slutpris:2 800 DKK

Avslutade auktioner liknande Early woodcuts by Asger Jorn: Asger Isen [pseud. for Asger Jorn]: Julens Salmer. 16 woodcuts. In Frem [...]. 1933-34.

Asger Jorn by Schade 1965

Asger Jorn by Schade 1965

ASGER JORN. SCHADE, VIRTUS. Asger Jorn. Copenhagen, Stig Vendelkaer, 1965. See text. Läs mer...

  • 2021-03-14
  • Stockholms Auktionsverk
  • 2 200 SEK
Important autograph letters by Asger Jorn 2 autograph letters by Asger Jorn for the painter Karl Bovin. Not dated, [Early 1940s]. In all 10 pages.

Important autograph letters by Asger Jorn: 2 autog...

2 autograph letters by the Danish painter Asger Jorn for the painter Karl Bovin. Not dated. [Early 1940's]. In all 10 pages. One letter with Läs mer...

  • 2014-04-01
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 7 000 DKK
Rare Jorn publication Asger Jorn Held og Hasard - dolk og guitar. Silkeborg 1952. 1st edition. Inscribed by the artist.

Rare Jorn publication: Asger Jorn: Held og Hasard ...

Asger Jorn: Held og Hasard - dolk og guitar. Silkeborg 1952. 1st edition. Hand printed with 79 original linocuts in colour by Asger Jorn. Inscribed Läs mer...

  • 2015-05-05
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 17 500 DKK
Presentation copy by Asger Jorn Rajchmann  Asger Jørgensen [Asger Jorn] Pigen i Ilden. Silkeborg [1938]. 1st edition. Inscribed by Jorn.

Presentation copy by Asger Jorn: Rajchmann & Asger...

Rajchmann & Asger Jørgensen [Asger Jorn]: Pigen i Ilden. Silkeborg [1938]. 1st edition. Illustrated throughout with orig. linocuts in colour by Asger Jorn. Inscribed by Läs mer...

  • 2014-09-02
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Århus
  • 19 000 DKK
Interesting Jorn library Collection of 60 vols.booklets on and by Jorn, incl. Jorn Werkverzeichnis Druckgrafik. Galerie van de Loo. 1976. 60

Interesting Jorn library: Collection of 60 vols./b...

Collection of 60 vols./booklets on and by Jorn, incl. Asger Jorn: Werkverzeichnis Druckgrafik. Galerie van de Loo. Munich 1976. With the orig. lithographed dust wrapper Läs mer...

  • 2015-05-05
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 9 000 DKK
Lithographs by Jorn Jørgen Nash and Asger Jorn Salvi Dylvo. Cph [1945]. 1st edition.  Virtus Schade Asger Jorn. Cph 1965. Both with lithographs by Jorn. 2

Lithographs by Jorn: Jørgen Nash and Asger Jorn: ...

Jørgen Nash and Asger Jorn: Salvi Dylvo. Cph [1945]. 1st edition. Illust. with orig. lithographic illustrations by Asger Jorn. One of 300 num. copies signed Läs mer...

  • 2013-04-16
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 1 700 DKK
Asger Jorn 21 works by and on Asger Jorn incl. Guldhorn og Lykkehjul. [1957].  Troels Andersen Asger Jorn. 1994-1997. 21

Asger Jorn: 21 works by and on Asger Jorn incl. Gu...

Collection of 21 works by and on Asger Jorn incl. Guldhorn og Lykkehjul. [1957]. + Troels Andersen: Asger Jorn. En Biografi. 2 vols. Cph 1994-1997. Läs mer...

  • 2014-04-01
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 1 850 DKK
Original linocuts by Asger Jorn Rajhmann and Jørgensen Jorn Pigen i Ilden. [1938]. Illust. by Asger Jorn. In orig. wrappers.

Original linocuts by Asger Jorn: Rajhmann and Jør...

Genia Katz Rajhmann and Asger Oluf Jørgensen (Asger Jorn): Pigen i Ilden. Silkeborg [1938]. With orig. linocuts by Jorn. In orig. wrappers. Wrappers with signs Läs mer...

  • 2014-04-01
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 14 000 DKK
G.-E. Debord Mémoires. Structures portant dAsger Jorn. Cph. Linternationale Situationniste 1959. Illust. by Asger Jorn

G.-E. Debord: Mémoires. Structures portant d'Asge...

G.-E. Debord: Mémoires. Structures portant d'Asger Jorn. Cph.: L'internationale Situationniste 1959. Illust. by Asger Jorn. Signed by Jørgen Nash, 1960. With dampstaining. In orig. sandpaper Läs mer...

  • 2014-04-01
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 6 000 DKK
Rare presentation copy by Asger Jorn Asger Jorn Held og Hasard - dolk og guitar. 1952. 1st ed. 79 orig. linocuts. Inscribed for Børge Venge.

Rare presentation copy by Asger Jorn: Asger Jorn: ...

Asger Jorn: Held og Hasard - dolk og guitar. Silkeborg 1952. 1st edition. Hand printed with 79 original linocuts in colour by Asger Jorn. Inscribed Läs mer...

  • 2013-02-12
  • http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
  • 16 000 DKK
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