![The second Danish folio Bible Biblia [...]. Copenhagen Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1323/br_1179930_300x300.jpg)
The second Danish folio Bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete.
Biblia [... ]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete. Lacking title and some other leaves. With browning, foxing and repairs. Bound in later full calf.
- 2013-06-04 18:46:00
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- Länk till objektet
Slutpris:8 500 DKK
Avslutade auktioner liknande The second Danish folio Bible: Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete.
First folio bible of Denmark: Biblia/Det er den ga...
Biblia/Det er den gantske hellige Scrifft 1550/udsæt på Danske. Prentit i Københaffn af Ludowich Dietz. Facsimile edition of the Danish Bible 1550. Cph: Det danske Läs mer...
- 2014-01-28
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 3 800 DKK
![King Frederik II of Denmark The second Danish folio Bible Biblia [...]. Copenhagen Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. 2 vols. Folio. Incomplete. 2](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1348/br_1327848_300x300.jpg)
King Frederik II of Denmark: The second Danish fol...
Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. 2 vols. Folio. Incomplete. Lacking titleleaf. Part I: [Lacking title]. 1-353. + Part II: Title leaf [Propheterne]. Läs mer...
- 2013-11-26
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 11 000 DKK
![The second Danish folio Bible Biblia [...]. Copenhagen Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1336/br_1253042_300x300.jpg)
The second Danish folio Bible: Biblia [...]. Copen...
Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete. Lacking titleleaf, preliminary and last leaves + other leaves. Repairs throughout. Narrow margins. Bound in Läs mer...
- 2013-09-03
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 14 500 DKK
![The second Danish folio Bible Biblia [...]. Copenhagen Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete.](https://img.bruun-rasmussen.dk/g/BRFull/Arkiv/Online/1316/br_1148837_300x300.jpg)
The second Danish folio Bible: Biblia [...]. Copen...
Biblia [...]. Copenhagen: Printed by Mads Vingaard 1588-1589. Folio. Incomplete. With browning, foxing and repairs. Bound in full calf. Binding worn and upper spine defect. Läs mer...
- 2013-04-16
- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
- 10 500 DKK
The Heidelberg Polyglot Bible 1587
BIBLIA SACRA 1587. Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Graece, & Latine... cum annotationibus Francisci Vatabli... Heidelberg, Ex officina Sanctandreana, 1587.Folio (395x250 mm). Title with woodcut frame. Parallell Läs mer...
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14 Toulouse-Lautrec lithographs 1978
14 TOULOUSE-LAUTREC LITHOGRAPHS. PERUSSAUX, CHARLES (ed.). Quatorze lithographies originales de Toulouse-Lautrec pour illustrer des chansons. Paris, A. C. Mazo & Cie, 1978.Folio. 42 x 32 Läs mer...
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- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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Christian IV's bible: Christian IV's bible. Printe...
Biblia Det er Den gantske Hellige Scrifft, 1633 paa Danske igien offuerseet oc Prentet effter vor allernaadigste Herris oc Kongis K. Christian IV. Befaling. [...]. Läs mer...
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- http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk - Baltikavej
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Wenzel Über die Krankheiten des Uterus 1790
ON THE UTERUS (LIVMODER). WENZEL, CARL. Über die Krankheiten des Uterus. Mainz, F. Kupferberg, 1816.Folio (410x260 mm). xxviii, 196 pp. 24 folding engraved plates (complete, Läs mer...
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Niecamp's Histoire des... Indes Orientalis
INDIA. (NIECAMP [NIEKAMP], J. L.). (3). Histoire des voyages que les Danois ont fait dans les Indes Orientales, depuis l'an 1705. jusqu'à la fin de Läs mer...
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Richly illustrated German bible 1730
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- http://www.stadsauktion.se
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